Thursday, February 9, 2012

Shoulders Like The Paleolithic

Shoulders Like The Paleolithic

Single Arm Plank
1.    Get into push-up position on flat surface with hands placed as
wide or slightly wider than shoulder width. 
2.    Keep body straight, raise your right arm off of the ground and
hold out in front of you straight.
3.    Hold this one armed push-position for twenty to thirty seconds.
(Longer if you feel you can.)
4.    Change arms, and hold position just as long as before.
(Repeat this basic exercise, switching the arms for twenty reps. Do
this for three sets.)

Shoulder Push-Ups (This can be done with benches, or chairs, any
elevated surface.)
1.    Get into push-up position, but place your feet on an elevated
surface. (Make sure your hands are almost at the sides of your head, and
your arms straight.)
2.    Lower yourself, bending at the elbows as you would with a
regular push-up.
3.    Push yourself back up extending your arms till they are straight
(Repeat this basic exercise for twelve reps. Do this for three sets.)

Shoulder Push-Ups Variation (This can be done with benches, or chairs,
any elevated surface.)
1.    Get into push-up position, but place your feet on an elevated
surface. (Make sure your hands are almost at the sides of your head, and
your arms straight.)
2.    Raise one leg into the air and bend slightly at the knee.
3.    Lower yourself, bending at the elbows as you would with a
regular push-up.
4.    Push yourself back up extending your arms till they are straight
5.    Switch legs and repeat exercise.
(Repeat this basic exercise for twelve reps. Do this for three sets.)

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