Monday, February 20, 2012

Products I highly recommend taking on the Paleo Diet

I feel the difference in my workout sessions since using this combination and the added benefits to my health is another bonus. Here's a link to the main site for additional information and hope these products can help you on this journey for physical well being.

Vitamineral Green™ Vital Healing Food™ – 500 Grams (17.6 Ounces) Powder – Version 5.0

A superior, nutritionally dense, therapeutic green superfood
powder which nutritionally supports blood sugar, detoxification, the immune
system, liver, kidneys, blood, bones, colon, pancreas, muscles, brain,
regularity, circulation, and longevity.

“Green foods are perhaps the most healing foods on the planet, and the single most
important addition to a diet you can make. They are foundational. For over 26
years, I have deeply and passionately immersed myself full time into providing
the best possible foundation. My deepest passion is for the earth and all of its
inhabitants to be healed on a core level. Mother Nature gave us the substances
we need for healing. It is my life path duty and my great honor to assemble them for you.

"Compromise is not an option. Hype is nothing. Substance is everything. Vitamineral Green™
is the best possible green food that I can offer."

~ Dr. Jameth Sheridan (D.H.M)

Warrior Food™ Chocolate Phycocyanin - 1000 Grams The Ultimate Protein Supplement!
Complete Protein Plant Based SuperFood Formula for True Warriors!

This is the best protein formula available. Organic • Non Toxic • Vegan • Raw • Hard CoreEasier to absorb and assimilate therefore you need less actual protein.

The Story of Warrior Food™

Unfortunately, sports “nutrition” products usually have nothing to do with actual health. They are notoriously unhealthy, many of them downright toxic – ultimately contributing to a Warrior’s demise. I am a Naturopath and herbal medicine researcher, and have embraced a hard-core healing lifestyle for 26 years, during which I have seen people who had healthy looking physiques degenerate and die much too soon (or suddenly) due to their toxic diet, lifestyle, and supplements. NOT ANYMORE. I have vowed to change that, and it begins here. Warrior Food™ enhances your physical appearance and your performance, without sacrificing your health, or your ethics. 100% high performance complete protein/amino acid profile! 100% Raw! 100% Vegan! Regardless of your diet, lifestyle and ethics, whether you are a professional athlete or a “weekend warrior,” this is the best performing protein supplement you can buy (with phytonutrient benefits way beyond isolated proteins).

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Women on the Paleo Diet & health tips for all body types.