Thursday, February 9, 2012

Chest Like The Paleolithic

Chest Like The Paleolithic

Push Up (with one leg raised and then the other)
1.    Lie in prone position on flat surface with hands placed as wide
or slightly wider than shoulder width. 
2.    Keep body straight, raise your right leg off of the ground and
bend at the knee as you lower your body down by bending arms at the
3.    Extend arms and raise body up off the ground, keeping your right
foot in the air.
4.    Switch legs, bringing your left leg off of the ground when you
do the next push up.
(Repeat this basic exercise, switching the legs you raise after each
push up. Try to push for three sets of thirty or three sets of twelve if
you're very new at this.)

Dips (This can be done with benches, chairs, or bars at a park or gym)
1.    Find parallel bars (available in most gyms), or a set of benches
or chairs in your home or at the park. (Maybe two large boulders in
close proximity to each other will suffice.)
2.    Grasp the bars/or place your palms on the hard surfaces to the
left and right of you. Lift yourself up until your arms are fully
stretched and your legs are dangling. (Bend your legs if you're too
close to the surface.)
3.    Slowly lower yourself until your shoulders are parallel with
your elbows.
4.    Push yourself back up again; slowly or fast, it's up to you.
5.    Keep your body straight throughout and lean slightly forward as
you dip to increase the stress on the chest.
(Three sets of twelve with this exercise, or more if you feel able.)

Pull overs (This can be done with a large rock, kettle bell, or
1.    Lie on your back on a bench as before holding one weight with
both hands.
2.    Push the weight up in the air directly above your chest.
3.    Slowly lower your arms behind your head until they are parallel
with the floor.
4.    Slowly bring them up again.
(Three sets of twelve for this exercise. Increase weight as you grow

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Women on the Paleo Diet & health tips for all body types.