Friday, December 28, 2012

Ultimate Chest Workout (Using only your body weight)

Before you eat breakfast try this workout as soon as you get out of bed;

1. Standard Push-Up- set of 12-15

2. Wide Arm Push-Up- set of 12-15

3. Wide Arm Push-Up (Hands facing out)- set of 12-15

4. Close Arm Push-Up (Elbows touching sides of body)- set of 12-15

5. Hopping Push-Up (Once down push up and lift hands and feet off of ground when extended, your body should be bouncing up)- set of 12-15

Do the above sets in the order listed for 3 Rounds, resting 1 minute after each round.

After the above work-out have a large glass of chocolate milk, (this is if you're not feeling fully committed to the paleo diet). For the hard core paleo fiends have four eggs (hard boiled or over easy) and a glass of V8, (or tomato juice), in place of chocolate milk.


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