Thursday, February 9, 2012

Back Like The Paleolithic

Bent Over Row

1. Bend knees slightly (grab wide heavy rock or wide 35 or 45 pound circular weight.)

2. Bend over the weight with back straight. Hands to right and lef tof weight. Pull weight to upper waist. Return until arms are extended and shoulders are stretched downward. Repeat.

(Three sets of twelve for this exercise.)

Paleolithic Deadlift

1. Find a large rock again, or a kettle bell.

2. Stand with the weight above the center of your feet - your stance should be a bit narrower than shoulder-width to give your arms room.

3. Bend through your knees, and have a good squat, keeping your back straight.

4. Grab the rock/weight with your palms under the rock/weight, or grab the top of the kettle bell - if your hamstrings are tight, do a couple squats before this exercise to boost your hip flexibility.

5. Keep your arms dangling after you grab the weight. (Make sure your back does not curve.) Lift your chest but don't squeeze your shoulder-blades. Make sure your head is in line with the rest of your spine.

6. Stand straight up while holding the weight between your legs. Push your shoulders back when you reach the top. Your hips and knees are locked. Do not lean back at the top.

(Three sets of twelve for this exercise.)

Pull Ups (Of course; if you can't find a tree branch, find a bar like a modern man.)

1. The pull up exercise does require some basic equipment, or some
creativity (go to a playground or find a low hanging tree branch, for
example), but it's a great, simple way to build upper body strength. You
should have to jump up to grab the bar or branch.

2. Stand below the bar with your feet shoulder width apart.

3. Jump up and grip the bar with an overhand grip.

4. Keep your legs straight or bend your knees and cross your ankles
for a balanced position.

5. Pull yourself up so your chin is level with the bar.

6. Lower yourself so your elbows are straight.

7. Repeat the movement without touching the floor.
You may only be able to do a few at first, but keep at it.

(Push for at least three sets of ten before your session is through.)

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