Friday, December 28, 2012

Ultimate Chest Workout (Using only your body weight)

Before you eat breakfast try this workout as soon as you get out of bed;

1. Standard Push-Up- set of 12-15

2. Wide Arm Push-Up- set of 12-15

3. Wide Arm Push-Up (Hands facing out)- set of 12-15

4. Close Arm Push-Up (Elbows touching sides of body)- set of 12-15

5. Hopping Push-Up (Once down push up and lift hands and feet off of ground when extended, your body should be bouncing up)- set of 12-15

Do the above sets in the order listed for 3 Rounds, resting 1 minute after each round.

After the above work-out have a large glass of chocolate milk, (this is if you're not feeling fully committed to the paleo diet). For the hard core paleo fiends have four eggs (hard boiled or over easy) and a glass of V8, (or tomato juice), in place of chocolate milk.


Thursday, August 9, 2012

"An Argument In Defense of A More Paleo Life Style"

The Successful Domestication of Man

A dog is usually happy with life and loyal to his or her Master, not even seeming to recognize their lack of freedom. The dog has been bred to serve man for thousands of years, and the Master takes the dog for granted. The dog expects the Master is watching, waiting to give praise, orders, or reprimand, and the dog is grateful. The dog doesn't know how to survive in Mans' world without him, for Man knows what's best, and he provides purpose. The Master is accepted with adoration, respect, and appreciation. For the dog the Master gives meaning to life, and for the dog ignorance is truly bliss.

What enslaves Humanity? What can people not live without? How can we be free? These questions are very important but for many the answers are not so simple.

"Sure must be a great consolation to the poor people who lost their stock in the late crash to know that it has fallen in the hands of Mr. Rockefeller, who will take care of it and see it has a good home and never be allowed to wander around unprotected again. There is one rule that works in every calamity. Be it pestilence, war, or famine, the rich get richer and poor get poorer. The poor even help arrange it."

By Will Rogers
Diary of America

If the poor can be guided in a particular direction, they can be trained to unknowingly provide the means of making the rich richer, and even be thankful for this. There was an evangelical preacher whose soul message was "money is good and God intended for all Christians to be rich", this was the message in a nut shell. The preacher paced himself when delivering his message, and he even had intense music being played with which his preaching seemed to keep rhythm. By the end of the message he seemed to have everyone there convinced that the more money they brought up to the stage for him and his ministry the more money God would bless them with for giving out of the goodness of their hearts. People rushed to the stage and soon there were piles of cash at the preachers' feet. The whole process seemed so simple... How much more is this simple method applied to the masses on a far greater scale? A society full of sheep naturally entices the wolves. What this preacher did is being done by those who have been wealthy for generations. There are those who know the game quite well, and they have even made the rules for how the game is played. Those who do not know the rules of the game may live a happy life spent with family and friends. They openly accept the label of being middle class or blue collared as a stamp of honor, and they live faithful lives at times being thankful for what they do have.

"People will try to convince you of their beliefs and convictions because it reinforces their beliefs and convictions. If a belief and conviction needs something to reinforce it, then it can't stand on its own. Choose to remove erroneous beliefs and temper your convictions with facts and NOT supposition. Then, and only then, will you be able to understand Divine truth."

Professor Dean A. Banks

Some of the elite in society will try to convince us of certain beliefs and convictions which they do not believe in. They will do this so as to reinforce their agenda. If they can persuade you into seeing things in the way they want you to, then you can be led by them willingly and unknowingly. By habit, or ritual people are more likely to listen to what the wealthy have to say before they'll listen to someone who is poor or middle class; because of this mindset certain beliefs are allowed to form which shouldn't be able to stand. The fact that we cannot survive right now and provide for a family without oil, electricity, and plenty of money is the evidence in how the wealthy control the masses.

"If we choose to remove erroneous beliefs and temper our convictions with facts and not supposition, then, and only then, will we be able to understand Divine truth."

To solve any problem or to discover the cause, the proven method is to go to the foundation of the quandary. What commodity do people feel they need much of today, which in reality we shouldn't need at all? Let's try looking back at the origin of the black gold rush, or more so those who started the significant expansion of the oil industry. The world's first billionaire was John Davison Rockefeller, America's most generous philanthropist. Rockefeller's wealth was based largely on the near global control of oil refining. It's documented and well known how he also had large interests in other monopolies. As the economist Anthony Sutton notes, Rockefeller "controlled the copper trust, the smelters trust and the gigantic tobacco trust, in addition to having influence in some Morgan properties such as the U.S. Steel Corporation as well as in hundreds of smaller industrial trusts, public service operations, railroads and banking institutions. National City Bank was the largest of the banks influenced by Standard Oil-Rockefeller, but financial control extended to the U.S. Trust Co. and Hanover National Bank [and] major life insurance companies - Equitable Life and Mutual of New York" (Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, 1981). Johns' descendents are said to have been hardworking German immigrants, and his father, William Avery Rockefeller, was a travelling salesman, rumored to have excelled as a con man. He sold bogus products to the sick and desperate, being able to convince many to buy expensive remedies that were either useless or downright dangerous. "He would be gone for months and come back with a great roll of money.... He would go to small towns advertising himself as 'The Celebrated Dr. Levingston.' William announced he could cure anything, but made a specialty of cancer and kidney troubles." (MacDonald, "Double Life," New York World, February 2, 1908). John Rockefeller, learned all he needed to from his father, and he dropped out of high school in 1855 to take a business course. John was motivated and soon he was ready to take on the world.

John watched the trends, recognizing the predictability and gullibility of humanity. He was inspired by what he saw, and his vision was forming; a vast vision which seemed to have no limit. The Civil War compelled him into the oil business in 1863. John along with others from wealthy families, like J.P. Morgan- paid $300 to avoid conscription; a small price to pay, while thousands less fortunate died in the war. (Of course this is one of the rules to the game though; the wealthy make wars, or support them, and they benefit financially while the young and poor die fighting for what they view as a just cause. Like a loyal servant to his or her Master, many brave people die for a lie.) John sold whiskey at inflated rates to Federal soldiers during the onset of the war. He invested his profits into oil refineries next. The South was supplying turpentine to the North for camphene-fueled lights. When the war cut off the North's access to this fuel, kerosene from Pennsylvania oil quickly took over as the lamp fuel of choice and stimulated Johns' oil business... John was young, but he knew the rules of the game, he was able to control people and situations to his advantage.

John and a few partners organized The Standard Oil Company in 1870, with capital of $1 million dollars. This company was built through him 'buying out competitors, price cutting and controlling secondary businesses related to pipelines, trains, oil terminals and barrel making.' By 1880, his monopoly controlled the refining of 95% of America's oil. In a few years 70% of Standard Oil's sales were overseas, largely to northern Europe and Russia. The properties were merged into the Standard Oil Trust with an initial capitalization of $70 million, and by 1900 Rockefeller controlled about two-thirds of the entire world's oil supply. John was also a director of the U.S. Steel Corp when it formed in 1901. John used a commodity like oil to conquer the world; he helped make dead dinosaur ooze into a valued product which people would fight for and invest millions into.

Many people looked up to John Rockefeller, many admired him and saw him as a generous person, and many felt they needed him in their lives. He knew what the world needed, or so this is what many believed. He cared for the betterment of humanity, and was one of the most generous philanthropists the world has known. He provided thousands with jobs, eventually millions, and he provided oil to all who needed this. Eventually people were more dependent on oil than any other commodity. After a few generations the habit was ingrained into humanity, almost to the point where one might say they seemed to need oil, (and what oil provided), as much as one needed water.

Was in 1911, the U.S. Supreme Court had Rockefellers' monopoly dissolved into about three dozen companies. Many of these oil companies are household names today like Chevron (Standard Oil California), Amoco (Standard Oil Indiana), Mobil (Standard Oil New Jersey) and Exxon, (Standard Oil New Jersey). Rockefeller still profited from this change and the loss of his monopoly, and his decedents still profit today. Today oil is the number one source of profit for the most wealthy and elite in society. Even though we have the technological means of running vehicles and other machines on something other than fossil fuel we do not. In the year 2012 humans still rely on oil, but the only reason this is still the case is because the rich are not ready for change, not as long as they still profit.

People are bred to feed the greed of a select few; we were domesticated thousands of years ago. Before the rise of the Rockefeller dynasty and the prevailing commodity of oil there were others like John Rockefeller, those who used the rules of the game to change the way the masses reasoned. They planted the seeds of persuasion, which grew from generation to generation. The game had been used before with bronze, silver, gold, and other precious stones and minerals, where even the Ages of man were defined by the reining commodity of the time. The idea of these commodities being of immense value and greatly desired was a seed planted by the Masters, something the wolves used to enslave humanity.

The wild is free, and the wild is balanced. Back in the days when we were walking alongside other humanoids like Neanderthal and Homo-Erectus, we were aggressive creatures, but physically and intellectually superior to modern day humans. Although we were struggling to survive in a harsh environment and times could be hard, we were free... Today we're more like dogs.
The Dog is a different creature today than his ancestors were over forty thousand years ago. You can see this by looking at the modern Gray Wolf, for based on genetic evidence this is the animal the dog once was. When the wolf was domesticated quite a few physical or morphological changes occurred. The most significant changes happened within only several generations; changes in coat coloration and markings, reduction in overall size, a shorter jaw initially with crowding of the teeth and the shrinking in size of the teeth; a reduction in brain size resulting in changes to cranial capacity (affecting the areas of the brain relating to alertness and sensory processing. The wolf, once becoming a tamed dog, had lost the skills necessary for survival in the wild).

A recent experiment done by the Russian Scientist Dmitry Belyaev has proven just how quickly an animal can evolve under the right circumstances. His research and methods have helped us better understand the domestication of our most loyal servant, the dog. Dmitry wanted to reenact how domestication may have occurred and he did this through the "farm fox" experiment. Wild silver foxes were selectively bred for forty years and the result was more dog-like animals that were friendly towards humans. The domestic elite foxes actually sought out human attention and indulged in human affection after only a human generation. The most fascinating observation by Dmitry Belyaev was the change in physical traits which paralleled the selection for tameness, even though the physical traits were not originally selected for. The once wild silver foxes were giving birth to foxes with floppy ears, spotted or black-and-white coats, tails that curled, and even the barking vocalization and earlier sexual maturity was noticeable; the silver fox was literally turning into a dog.

It was reported by those involved in the experiment, "On average, the domestic foxes respond to sounds two days earlier and open their eyes one day earlier than their non-domesticated cousins. More striking is that their socialization period has greatly increased. Instead of developing a fear response at 6 weeks of age, the domesticated foxes don't show it until 9 weeks of age or later. The whimpering and tail wagging is a holdover from puppyhood, as are the foreshortened face and muzzle. Even the new coat colors can be explained by the altered timing of development. One researcher found that the migration of certain malanocytes (which determine color) was delayed, resulting in a black and white 'star' pattern." The wild was bred out of the silver fox in such a short time, and the physical changes show a far more vulnerable looking creature; an animal dependent on humanity.

The Cro-Magnon man was different than the modern day man, he even looked different, and like the farm fox in the experiment Man started out wild and free. Cro-Magnon had more meat on his bones; he had broader shoulders and massive muscles. As a general rule science says to control massive muscle blocks, the more brain you need. This may also be partially why the burly Neanderthal had larger brains than modern day Homo-Sapiens. Twenty thousand to thirty thousand years ago the Homo-Sapiens with the biggest brains lived; with his broad chest, larger teeth and strong jaws, Cro-Magnon Man was also brilliant. "Recent studies of human fossils suggest the brain shrank more quickly than the body in near-modern times." Scientists discovered that as the human population rose and societies became more complex the brain started to shrink. When humans didn't have to be as smart to stay alive and they could depend on others supplies to provide for them; their intelligence decreased. The Cro-Magnon man became the Homo-Sapiens we are today because we've domesticated ourselves, according to Richard Wrangham, a primatologist at Harvard University. He notes on how every domesticated animal has lost about ten to fifteen percent of brain volume when compared with their wild progenitors. Wrangham also points out the physical changes. Homo-Sapiens today have slighter builds than the Cro-Magnon, as well as smaller teeth, and smoother faces; equivalent of the floppy ears and curled tails on the transformed foxes or gray wolves. The humans who live today have had much of the aggression from the wild bred out of them, leaving us more susceptible to others ruling over us.

 Today the modern man depends on the wealthier, thus supposed more intelligent individuals to rule over us, instead of the larger and strongest of humans like in ancient times. Ironically the bigger and stronger Cro-Magnon was probably more intelligent than those we consider wise today. What many people today don't realize though is that the wealthiest people today are not always the more intelligent; they simply follow the simple rules to a game which has been passed down to them by their wealthy elders. They rely on the fact that ultimately people today are stupid, and usually not too aggressive to be deemed as threatening.

"The story written in our bones is that we look more and more peaceful over the last 50,000 years," Wrangham says. And that is not all. If he is correct, domestication has also transformed our cognitive style. His hunch is based on studies-many done by his former graduate student Brian Hare-"comparing domestic animals with their wild relatives."

The wealthy elite may have been using the rules to the game passed down for generations but they are not of superior intellect and the evidence is there to be seen. Just looking at our present economy and our nations rising deficit, this shows how those who rule over the masses have a flawed system in place. Those of elite status who ruled over humanity in Roman times they also showed how their system was flawed, as the world fell into the Dark Ages. History is about to repeat herself once again.
In Utah the NSA (National Security Agency) is constructing a data center unlike any other. The purpose is "to intercept, decipher, analyze, and store vast swaths of the world's communications sent down through satellites and through the underground and undersea cables of international, foreign, and domestic networks. The heavily fortified $2 billion center is scheduled to be running in September 2013." Flowing through its servers and routers will be all forms of communication, including "the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails-parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other personal information from billions will be stored in these near-bottomless databases."

"In the process-and for the first time since Watergate and the other scandals of the Nixon administration-the NSA has turned its surveillance apparatus on the US and its citizens. It has established listening posts throughout the nation to collect and look through billions of email messages and phone calls, whether they originate within the country or overseas. It has created a supercomputer of almost unimaginable speed to look for patterns and unscramble codes. Finally, the agency has begun building a place to store all the trillions of words and thoughts and whispers captured in its electronic net." James Bamford (Wired magazine)

Why do we allow this invasion of our privacy? This leach from the NSA is obviously destined to drain what's left of our presumed freedom in America. We are living in a time where humanity accepts such an obvious invasion of privacy and a precursor to the complete visual loss of our freedom. We allow this because the data center is supposed to protect us from future cyber attacks and other terrorist threats. "Some of the elite in society will try to convince us of certain beliefs and convictions... They will do this so as to reinforce their agenda." They feel no guilt in this; simply survival of the fittest. Their agenda is to stay in power and keep the masses feeding the rich. When people live in fear and they grow in ignorance they will desperately trust in those who have power over them. Much of the time we depend on the knowledge of others and their technology for survival in this day, instead of thinking for ourselves. So we'll accept the invasion of privacy, and we will trust those over us, because after all we're not really free today. Ultimately we'll place our trust in the wealthy elite, even though we'll gripe and complain we will depend on our Masters. We will turn to those whom are supposed to have our best interest in mind, because we've been bred to. How many times are we going to insanely stand by as the wealthy elite claim the foul smelling bitter fluid flowing over us is rain? The answer is, time and time again, even till the last of our freedom is taken away.

Some people have the dream of being like the wealthy elite, they dream of being higher on the food chain. So many people go into credit debt, and lose thousands while pretending to be more like the Masters they so admire. People have become creatures of habit and the way we have been living for several generations has proven to be self destructive. Eventually even the wealthy elite will not benefit any longer from the ignorance of man. Thousands die in wars fought in vain, wars which last for years, and only the wealthy truly benefit. People still live for the prearranged dream though, believing wealth buys happiness and peace of mind. They're unable to recognize how all of the material possessions, their dependence on the prized commodity of oil, and the wasted desperate desire of these keeps humanity enslaved.

A man or woman is usually happy with life and loyal to their Master, not even seeming to recognize their lack of freedom. They've been bred to serve a select few over them. They help the Master grow in wealth, being satisfied with the scraps thrown to them from the feast. Humanity expects the Master is watching, waiting to give praise, orders, or reprimand, and we are grateful. We don't know how to survive in the present world without the wealthy elite. We need others in power over us. We accept the Master with adoration, respect, and appreciation. For the dog the Master gives meaning to life, and for the dog ignorance is truly bliss.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

For Best Abs Workout Video

This recent video, displays my ab workout routine with improvisation. Customized for at home workouts.


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Paleo Muscle Body, Breaking Down What Grass Fed Means for Food

While not an entirely recent phenomenon, more and more ranchers of late seem to be going back to smaller operation ideals, raising their cattle exclusively on grass, from cradle to grave. No grain whatsoever enters the diet at any point.

Consumers often taste a dramatic difference in the flavor profile of the meat, so much so that one beef (grain fed) might not even taste like the other (grass fed). For the less eager to be converted, some might even say that grass fed beef doesn’t taste anything like beef — but the reality is that not only is the meat tastier, it’s also healthier, by virtue of how the cattle have been raised.In this country, we eat a LOT of meat, and much of it goes into high calorie, low-nutritional quality beef for fast food hamburger patties. In order to produce beef for an ever-increasing demand in the marketplace, cattle has been fattened (and fattened quickly) on grain, soy and other things not so natural. But really, cattle want grass. That’s the diet most suited for the animal, and what they’d be eating if humans weren’t working off a different agenda besides what’s best for the animals.

Some Basics of Grass Fed Animal Meat

When the stress on the animals is reduced, along with the pressure to fatten the cattle up for slaughter, the animals tend to live healthier lives while they grow in an organic fashion, at a rate that makes sense. Whether or not it’s directly related, grass fed meat from animals like lamb, buffalo and cattle is more healthy when compared to animals raised on a feed lot. It’s lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, and higher in vitamins like E and C.All in all, raising grass fed animals involves a bit more complexity in the process, as just before slaughter, the diet of the animals needs to be adjusted in order to deliver tender beef to the market place.

For this to happen, cattle ranchers have to take better care of the soil on their ranches, so that pastures are running at an optimal level, providing as much nutrition to the cattle in the last few months.It’s almost like these ranchers are growing excellent grass, the more you find out about the process.

Learn even more at Eat Wild’s Grass Fed Basics page, by Jo Robinson.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Products I highly recommend taking on the Paleo Diet

I feel the difference in my workout sessions since using this combination and the added benefits to my health is another bonus. Here's a link to the main site for additional information and hope these products can help you on this journey for physical well being.

Vitamineral Green™ Vital Healing Food™ – 500 Grams (17.6 Ounces) Powder – Version 5.0

A superior, nutritionally dense, therapeutic green superfood
powder which nutritionally supports blood sugar, detoxification, the immune
system, liver, kidneys, blood, bones, colon, pancreas, muscles, brain,
regularity, circulation, and longevity.

“Green foods are perhaps the most healing foods on the planet, and the single most
important addition to a diet you can make. They are foundational. For over 26
years, I have deeply and passionately immersed myself full time into providing
the best possible foundation. My deepest passion is for the earth and all of its
inhabitants to be healed on a core level. Mother Nature gave us the substances
we need for healing. It is my life path duty and my great honor to assemble them for you.

"Compromise is not an option. Hype is nothing. Substance is everything. Vitamineral Green™
is the best possible green food that I can offer."

~ Dr. Jameth Sheridan (D.H.M)

Warrior Food™ Chocolate Phycocyanin - 1000 Grams The Ultimate Protein Supplement!
Complete Protein Plant Based SuperFood Formula for True Warriors!

This is the best protein formula available. Organic • Non Toxic • Vegan • Raw • Hard CoreEasier to absorb and assimilate therefore you need less actual protein.

The Story of Warrior Food™

Unfortunately, sports “nutrition” products usually have nothing to do with actual health. They are notoriously unhealthy, many of them downright toxic – ultimately contributing to a Warrior’s demise. I am a Naturopath and herbal medicine researcher, and have embraced a hard-core healing lifestyle for 26 years, during which I have seen people who had healthy looking physiques degenerate and die much too soon (or suddenly) due to their toxic diet, lifestyle, and supplements. NOT ANYMORE. I have vowed to change that, and it begins here. Warrior Food™ enhances your physical appearance and your performance, without sacrificing your health, or your ethics. 100% high performance complete protein/amino acid profile! 100% Raw! 100% Vegan! Regardless of your diet, lifestyle and ethics, whether you are a professional athlete or a “weekend warrior,” this is the best performing protein supplement you can buy (with phytonutrient benefits way beyond isolated proteins).

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Paleo Food Guide line

Here is a helpful guide & basic break down of the foods required in the Paleo lifestyle. There are a lot of books out there that can confuse what is apart of this diet. Don't read into everything too much, just know there are options to those food favorites out there you may have grown accustomed too; Remember, it's a lifestyle not a trend.

Lean Meats

Lean beef (trimmed of visible fat)
Flank steak
Top sirloin steak
Extra-lean hamburger (no more than 7% fat, extra fat drained off)
London broil
Chuck steak
Lean veal
Any other lean cut
Lean pork (trimmed of visible fat)
Pork loin
Pork chops
Any other lean cut

Lean poultry (white meat, skin removed)

Chicken breast
Turkey breast
Game hen breasts


Chicken (go for the enriched omega 3 variety, if possible)

Other meats

Rabbit meat (any cut)
Goat meat (any cut)

Organ meats

Beef, lamb, pork, and chicken
Beef, pork, and lamb
Beef, lamb, and pork
Beef, lamb, and pork

Game meat

Bison (buffalo)
Muscovy duck
New Zealand cervena deer
Wild boar
Wild turkey


Northern pike
Orange roughy
Red snapper
Striped bass
(Any other commercially available fish)




Cassava melon
Honeydew melon
Passion fruit
Star fruit
All other fruits


Beet greens
Bell peppers
Brussels sprouts
Green onions
Mustard greens
Peppers (all kinds)
Squash (all kinds)
Swiss chard
Tomato (actually a fruit, but most
people think of it as a vegetable)
Turnip greens
Encouraged Foods

Nuts and Seeds

Brazil nuts
Hazelnuts (filberts)
Macadamia nuts
Pine nuts
Pistachios (unsalted)
Pumpkin seeds
Sesame seeds
Sunflower seeds

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Arms Like The Paleolithic

Downward Dog Diamond Push Up

1. Put your hands on the ground, with your legs straight; butt in the air. Your body is forming a triangle-like shape.

2. Point your feet and fingers forward.

3. Now slide back and forth from a push-up position to a down-ward dog position. (Walk your hands back till your body is forming the triangle shape and then walk your hands out again till you're in a push-up position.)

4. When you are in the push-up position bring your hands close together, (form a diamond with your hands if you can), and then lower yourself till your chest touches your hands, then push up again, and walk yourself out again till your body forms the triangle.

(Repeat this arm exercise ten to twenty times. Do two to three repetitions.)

Diamond Push-up

1. Place your hands on the ground, with hands together, forming a diamond with your fingers.

2. Slowly lower yourself down to the floor by bending your elbows.

3. Push yourself up again.

(Two to three sets of ten to twelve repetitions.)

Crab Dips (If you do not have access to a bench or furniture)

1. Get into reverse push-up position (like the crab walk); palms on the floor, fingers facing forward, and feet facing forward.

2. Lower your arms and bend at the elbows, until your butt is just a few inches away from the floor.

3. You can bend your knees or walk your legs out in front of you.

(One or two sets of ten to twenty dips.)

Depending on your weight you may need to change your diet to the Paleolithic diet for a time to reach your goals faster. I would recommend lots of protein; chicken, fish, maybe a healthy protein drink in the mornings and fruits or vegetables with every meal. Only eat carbs in the morning if you choose to eat carbs at all. Practice the Paleolithic diet for a time to see quicker results from the workouts I've shared above, or stick with it to remain maximally fit.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Paleo Diet for Bodybuilders

The Paleo Diet for Bodybuilders

Author: Jeb Roberts, MA; Illustrations: Mark Collins

Burn fat faster while sparing muscle tissue - and potentially live a
longer, healthier life - by looking to the past for a new approach to
performance nutrition.

Fat-loss diets are hardly known for their staying power. While
bodybuilders have spent the past century carving out a slow, steady path
to building muscle and cutting fat through eating clean, unprocessed
foods, the rest of society has scrambled from one fad to the next,
taking its nutritional cues from greedy gurus and Special K commercials,
all while getting fatter, slower and more disease-prone with each
passing year. But one "trend," called Paleo by its diehard followers, is
cutting a swath of long-term fat loss and enhanced muscle building
through the fray of useless dietary fads, and its secret is that it's
not new at all. In fact, it's as old as our genes.

According to current anthropological evidence, the human genome has
remained fairly steady for the past 120,000 years. That means that if
you travelled back in time to the last ice age and carved a caveman out
of a glacier, he'd be pretty much genetically identical to us. He'd have
the same capacity for language and advanced mathematics, and he'd have
the same dietary needs. If you think of those 120,000 years of human
existence as a 100-yard football field, for almost the entire length of
the field, humans were Paleolithic hunter-gatherers, eating primarily
meat, with some vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. In fact, it's only
in the last 10,000 years (less than the last 10 yards of that field)
that humans have become reliant on modern agriculture and its Neolithic
staples of grains, legumes and dairy. And according to the latest
anthropological research, it's also during these last 10,000 years that
we've become significantly shorter, fatter, less muscular and more prone
to disease.
Paleo in a Nutshell

In the simplest sense, the paleo diet cuts out grains, legumes and
dairy, each of which purportedly contains toxic elements that fatten our
physiques and shorten our lives, and encourages consumption of meat -
lots of it - along with plenty of vegetables and some fruits, nuts and
seeds. In other words, if you can kill it or forage for it, bon
appetite. But while many see the Paleo diet as a way to live longer and
avoid modern scourges like obesity, diabetes, cancer and cardiac
disease, athletes in particular have been experimenting with Paleo
nutrition as a way to lean out and build muscle with greater efficiency.

Given these tendencies, it should come as no surprise that the Paleo
diet offers benefits for the bodybuilder. And no Paleo proponent is
better equipped to customize this ancestral diet for the bodybuilder's
needs than former research biochemist Robb Wolf, CSCS, author of the New
York Times best-selling book, The Paleo Solution (Victory Belt, 2010).
When Robb isn't traveling the globe promoting performance-enhancing
nutrition or giving talks at NASA to help astronauts combat the
muscle-wasting effects of space travel, he's training world-class
athletes, including MMA fighters and pro football players, at his Chico
(CA) gym, NorCal Strength and Conditioning, which was recently named one
of America's top 30 gyms.

"You can look at the Paleo diet in two ways," Robb says. "One is that
it's a diet completely focused on unprocessed or very minimally
processed foods. And the other piece is that when we look at foods that
we theoretically co-evolved with over millions of years - lean meat,
seafood, roots, tubers, fruits and vegetables - relative to Neolithic
staples like grains, legumes and dairy, we tend to get much more
nutrition per calorie."

Scratch any notions you may have of weak, scrawny evolutionary ancestors
cowering in caves and scrounging for root vegetables. While our
ancestors may have shared our genes, paleo advocates point to evidence
of them being significantly taller, leaner and beefier than us because
of the foods they ate. "Our Paleolithic ancestors were very fit, very
strong, and carried good amounts of muscle," Robb says. So why are we
and our Neolithic brethren shorter and chubbier by comparison? Most of
that answer, according to Robb and other paleo adherents, boils down to
a protein called gluten, which is found in many of our staple grains.

Against the Grain

While animals may be armed with natural defenses - from teeth and claws
to heightened senses and the ability to outrun most predators - it's
easy to assume that the plants we consume are docile, harmless and eager
to be eaten. But the truth is, most plants - including grains - have
chemical defenses that are just as dangerous as any pair of claws, and
most are constantly engaged in chemical warfare with one another and
with anything that hopes to make a meal of them.

While this is no secret to people with a gluten-based autoimmune
disorder known as celiac disease, you may be surprised to learn that all
humans are at least mildly susceptible to the damage gluten causes. The
perpetrators of this damage are lectins, phytates and protease
inhibitors, and together they limit protein and mineral absorption while
inflicting a severe inflammatory response, which Robb likens to poison
oak in your intestinal lining. "Because of the gut-inflaming elements
found in grains, they tend to cause inflammation in the digestive tract
that gets transmitted to the rest of the body," Robb says. "Whenever we
have inflammation, we tend to retain water. That's why you see a lot of
contest-prepping bodybuilders instinctively migrating away from
wheat-containing carb sources and opting more for potatoes and rice. And
when we pull out the rice and the corn and we stick with yams and sweet
potatoes, we find that people have much less inflammation throughout
their bodies and retain less water in total."

As you might imagine, all of this gut irritation severely limits the
amount of nutrients you're absorbing, and that holds especially true for
protein, says Robb. "When you're putting a premium on literally every
gram of muscle that you have, digestive efficiency is going to be huge.
It's not just an issue of how much food you stuff down your pie hole -
it's a matter of how much nutrition you actually get into your body. And
if we remove these gut-irritating foods, we tend to get much better

And if that's not enough, inflammation also impacts your immune system,
subsequently impairing your ability to recover from heavy training and
build muscle, to say nothing of its relationship to modern-day diseases.
"This systemic inflammation and the resulting overactivity of the immune
system throughout the body is an issue in everything from Parkinson's to
Alzheimer's to cardiovascular disease," Robb insists. "And it's
especially important for bodybuilders because their recovery is
predicated on immune function. The better functioning your immune
system, the better you can recover, and the quicker you can get back in
the gym and lift heavy again."

The Other Offenders

While grains and their lectin weaponry may be the main culprit, other
Neolithic staples - namely legumes, dairy, sugar and processed vegetable
oils - have the same kind of gut-irritating and inflammation-promoting
properties. "Legumes have similar anti-nutrients - similar lectins - to
gluten, and all of them affect different people in different ways, but
in general we find that people tend to do better without them," Robb
says. Naturally, that means all soy products and peanuts - yes, peanuts
are a legume - are off the table.

While no one will question the importance of cutting sugar, eliminating
processed vegetable oils may raise some eyebrows. After all, they've
been touted by government guidelines for the past four decades as
healthy cooking alternatives because of their high polyunsaturated fat
content. The problem is, the bulk of that fat comes from omega-6
polyunsaturates, and humans evolved to eat an approximately 1:1 ratio of
omega-6s to omega-3s. Throw off this ratio too far in favor of omega-6s
and the results, yet again, are systemic inflammation and reduced

Ditching dairy may be another hard sell - particularly for hard gainers.
But Robb thinks there's a way around it. "The dairy is kind of a gray
area," he explains. "If you can get grass-fed dairy, it wouldn't be much
of a problem. But because we grain-feed our cows, we concentrate the
lectins from those grain sources in the milk, so it tends to be just as
pro-inflammatory." Cows, we're finally realizing, evolved to graze on
grass, and they're just as intolerant of gluten as we are, which is an
issue that extends well beyond their milk and right into the meat we
rely on to build and maintain muscle.

The Meat of the Matter

Go back to our evolutionary history, when there were no 24-hour produce
markets brimming with brightly colored fruits and vegetables gown
hundreds of miles away and ripened on trucks before making their way to
your table. The bottom line is that most of what we think of as dietary
staples are purely seasonal, and we didn't have constant - if any -
access to them while our genotype was being hammered out. So what made
up the bulk of our year-round diet? Meat, say most anthropologists.

The problem is, the meat sources we co-evolved with were drastically
different from the cellophane-wrapped cuts at your local supermarket,
and what our food eats is just as important to our health as what we
eat. Grass-fed beef, it turns out, contains the ideal 1:1 ratio of
omega-3s and omega-6s, not to mention plenty of CLA, which helps with
fat loss and can decrease insulin resistance. The polyunsaturated fat in
grain-fed meat, on the other hand, comes mostly from omega-6 fatty
acids, meaning it's another sure-fire recipe for inflammation.

None of this should suggest that our ancestors ate nothing but meat, of
course, but protein played a major role in our evolutionary development.
As Robb points out, "The reconstructed human diet looks a lot like what
bodybuilders would typically want, which is very high protein, anywhere
from moderate to high fat, and carbohydrate filling in the rest." If the
words moderate to high fat set off an alarm, you're likely not alone.
But Paleo isn't necessarily a high-fat diet. In fact, Robb claims that
it's "macronutrient agnostic," as it focuses on food quality rather than
food quantity. So long as you avoid gut-irritating Neolithic foods, you
can customize your macros (protein, fat and carbohydrate) according to
your body's needs. That said, Robb insists that, based on what he's seen
in his athletes, a higher-fat approach leads to better results both in
terms of performance and body composition. "When people step outside of
the mainstream and start playing with their macros, they find that if
they eat more fat, they feel better, they look better, they perform
better and they recover better. It's kind of a scary proposition when
they're counting calories [fat has 9 calories per gram, whereas protein
and carbs have around 4 calories per gram], but inevitably they end up
with better body composition," he says.

And in case you're worried about the saturated fat in many meat sources
that we've been warned to avoid, Robb urges you to revisit the science.
"As for the whole demonization of saturated fats, there have been
several huge studies recently, and they just can't pin anything on
saturated fat and cardiovascular disease, saturated fat and cancer, or
anything else. They've tried and tried and spent billions of dollars
attempting to prove that saturated fat was a problem, and it's just not
penciling out to be the case." The authors of a recent meta-analysis of
21 studies published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition are
in full agreement with Robb on this last point, as they recently
concluded that no study could associate saturated fat with increased
risk of coronary heart disease, stroke or coronary vascular disease.

Putting Paleo into Practice

As mentioned, paleo is a diet that emphasizes food quality over
quantity, and many of its followers find that once they kick
agricultural staples - mainly grains - to the curb, they're too satiated
to overeat and they lose fat without ever thinking about calories. But
Robb isn't saying you should throw out the scale in your kitchen. "This
is the appropriate place for someone to weigh and measure with paleo,"
he says of the diet's application to bodybuilding. "When we're talking
about an extreme level of leanness, we can keep people leaner during the
offseason because they no longer have a binge-and-purge kind of
scenario. We clean up their food and keep them within striking distance
of their contest prep, and then when it comes time to really shrink-wrap
them down, we bring in the additional attention to detail of weighing
and measuring food and monitoring total caloric intake, and it's easier
because they're already 5-10 pounds out of shape rather than 30-40
pounds out."

For bodybuilders who are leaning out, perhaps the best part of using a
Paleo approach is that you're less likely to lose muscle as you shed
fat. "We've worked with some NFL football players who have some really
impressive body composition - guys who are anywhere from 280-310 pounds
running sub-10% bodyfat - with almost world-champion powerlifting
totals, and we've been able to keep more muscle mass on them using a
Paleo-type approach than with anything else we've tried."

So whether you're prepping for the stage or you're just looking to sport
a six-pack this summer, Paleo offers some pretty striking benefits, from
maintaining more muscle while leaning out to faster, long-term fat loss
with less cardio, not to mention better nutrient absorption and improved
overall health. But even after they hear about these advantages, Robb
admits that many people - especially bodybuilders who've seen slow,
steady success with standard bulking and cutting phases - aren't
motivated to give up the grains, claiming they've never experienced the
gut irritation and inflammation that drive the Paleo approach. "Some
people say they've never had a problem with these foods, but what
they've never done is pull them out of rotation for a good 30 days to
see how they actually do getting their carb sources from yams, sweet
potatoes and maybe a little bit of post-workout fruit to refill liver

For Robb, this 30-day window is critical. Whereas few bodybuilders will
agree to give up whole-grain pasta forever, once they've seen how much
better they feel and look after just one month eating Paleo, they
usually refuse to go back. "If they'll go with a 30-day run and get
their carbs from yams, sweet potatoes, squash and even regular white
potatoes in lieu of the bread, rice and pasta, they definitely notice
less water retention and being less puffy, and this is true regardless
of where they are, whether they're contest-prepping or they're in a
mass-gain cycle. In total, they have less inflammation, so they retain
less water and recover better, and everything they'd want goes in a
favorable direction."

According to Robb and other Paleo adherents, whether you're a
bodybuilder, an elite athlete or simply someone who still wants to be
bounding up stairs when they're 90, Paleo is your best chance for
getting a leg up. "Bodybuilding is definitely pushing the human genetic
potential to the outer edges of hypertrophy expression," he says. But
the ancestral diet can still support that process. You may need to tweak
and fiddle with the details, but it's doable." And even if your only
immediate goals are to build a physique that's composed of as much
muscle as your frame will allow while dipping into low-single-digit
bodyfat, Robb insists that your physique goals don't need to override
your overall health. "Let's push that human performance element as much
as we can, and let's do it in a way that's not completely messing us up"
he adds.

For more of Robb Wolf's views on the paleo diet, visit

Shoulders Like The Paleolithic

Shoulders Like The Paleolithic

Single Arm Plank
1.    Get into push-up position on flat surface with hands placed as
wide or slightly wider than shoulder width. 
2.    Keep body straight, raise your right arm off of the ground and
hold out in front of you straight.
3.    Hold this one armed push-position for twenty to thirty seconds.
(Longer if you feel you can.)
4.    Change arms, and hold position just as long as before.
(Repeat this basic exercise, switching the arms for twenty reps. Do
this for three sets.)

Shoulder Push-Ups (This can be done with benches, or chairs, any
elevated surface.)
1.    Get into push-up position, but place your feet on an elevated
surface. (Make sure your hands are almost at the sides of your head, and
your arms straight.)
2.    Lower yourself, bending at the elbows as you would with a
regular push-up.
3.    Push yourself back up extending your arms till they are straight
(Repeat this basic exercise for twelve reps. Do this for three sets.)

Shoulder Push-Ups Variation (This can be done with benches, or chairs,
any elevated surface.)
1.    Get into push-up position, but place your feet on an elevated
surface. (Make sure your hands are almost at the sides of your head, and
your arms straight.)
2.    Raise one leg into the air and bend slightly at the knee.
3.    Lower yourself, bending at the elbows as you would with a
regular push-up.
4.    Push yourself back up extending your arms till they are straight
5.    Switch legs and repeat exercise.
(Repeat this basic exercise for twelve reps. Do this for three sets.)

Chest Like The Paleolithic

Chest Like The Paleolithic

Push Up (with one leg raised and then the other)
1.    Lie in prone position on flat surface with hands placed as wide
or slightly wider than shoulder width. 
2.    Keep body straight, raise your right leg off of the ground and
bend at the knee as you lower your body down by bending arms at the
3.    Extend arms and raise body up off the ground, keeping your right
foot in the air.
4.    Switch legs, bringing your left leg off of the ground when you
do the next push up.
(Repeat this basic exercise, switching the legs you raise after each
push up. Try to push for three sets of thirty or three sets of twelve if
you're very new at this.)

Dips (This can be done with benches, chairs, or bars at a park or gym)
1.    Find parallel bars (available in most gyms), or a set of benches
or chairs in your home or at the park. (Maybe two large boulders in
close proximity to each other will suffice.)
2.    Grasp the bars/or place your palms on the hard surfaces to the
left and right of you. Lift yourself up until your arms are fully
stretched and your legs are dangling. (Bend your legs if you're too
close to the surface.)
3.    Slowly lower yourself until your shoulders are parallel with
your elbows.
4.    Push yourself back up again; slowly or fast, it's up to you.
5.    Keep your body straight throughout and lean slightly forward as
you dip to increase the stress on the chest.
(Three sets of twelve with this exercise, or more if you feel able.)

Pull overs (This can be done with a large rock, kettle bell, or
1.    Lie on your back on a bench as before holding one weight with
both hands.
2.    Push the weight up in the air directly above your chest.
3.    Slowly lower your arms behind your head until they are parallel
with the floor.
4.    Slowly bring them up again.
(Three sets of twelve for this exercise. Increase weight as you grow

Back Like The Paleolithic

Bent Over Row

1. Bend knees slightly (grab wide heavy rock or wide 35 or 45 pound circular weight.)

2. Bend over the weight with back straight. Hands to right and lef tof weight. Pull weight to upper waist. Return until arms are extended and shoulders are stretched downward. Repeat.

(Three sets of twelve for this exercise.)

Paleolithic Deadlift

1. Find a large rock again, or a kettle bell.

2. Stand with the weight above the center of your feet - your stance should be a bit narrower than shoulder-width to give your arms room.

3. Bend through your knees, and have a good squat, keeping your back straight.

4. Grab the rock/weight with your palms under the rock/weight, or grab the top of the kettle bell - if your hamstrings are tight, do a couple squats before this exercise to boost your hip flexibility.

5. Keep your arms dangling after you grab the weight. (Make sure your back does not curve.) Lift your chest but don't squeeze your shoulder-blades. Make sure your head is in line with the rest of your spine.

6. Stand straight up while holding the weight between your legs. Push your shoulders back when you reach the top. Your hips and knees are locked. Do not lean back at the top.

(Three sets of twelve for this exercise.)

Pull Ups (Of course; if you can't find a tree branch, find a bar like a modern man.)

1. The pull up exercise does require some basic equipment, or some
creativity (go to a playground or find a low hanging tree branch, for
example), but it's a great, simple way to build upper body strength. You
should have to jump up to grab the bar or branch.

2. Stand below the bar with your feet shoulder width apart.

3. Jump up and grip the bar with an overhand grip.

4. Keep your legs straight or bend your knees and cross your ankles
for a balanced position.

5. Pull yourself up so your chin is level with the bar.

6. Lower yourself so your elbows are straight.

7. Repeat the movement without touching the floor.
You may only be able to do a few at first, but keep at it.

(Push for at least three sets of ten before your session is through.)

Legs Like The Paleolithic

Legs Like The Paleolithic

You'll need a fairly heavy rock or a kettle bell to hold with both
hands, (since we don't have a large deer carcass handy to carry over our
shoulders for this one.)

Walking like the Paleolithic
1.    Find a nice park, or a large open gym.
2.    Hold the kettle bell or rock up to your chest with both hands.
3.    Begin walking, trying to keep your back straight while holding
the weight as high as possible. Start taking large steps while keeping a
steady pace.
4.    Walk in this manner for at least three miles. (Pay attention to
proper form during this exercise.)

Tuck Jumps
1.    Make sure you're warmed up. (Maybe after a good walk.)
2.    Stand with feet shoulder width and knees slightly bent. (Imagine
the danger approaching from ahead of you.)
3.    Bend your knees and descend to a full squat position. (Get
4.    At bottom of the squat, powerfully explode straight up bringing
your knees toward your    chest while in midair. (Imagine a tiger is
charging you and you have to jump over it.)
5.    Grasp your knees quickly with your arms
6.    At the top of the jump your thighs should touch your torso.
(You've dodged the attack.)
7.    Release your legs, control your landing and descend into the
squat again for another explosive jump. (You can't afford to be tired
yet the beast is coming around again.)
8.    Upon landing immediately repeat the next jump.
9.    Perform these on a soft flat landing surface.
10.    Try to do three sets of twelve.
11.    Use these drills no more than once per week to avoid overuse or
excessive impact on your joints.
(Three sets of twelve for this exercise.)

1.    Stand with feet together.
2.    Squat down and place your hands on the floor next to your feet.
3.    In an explosive movement, jump feet backwards into a push-up
4.    Jump feet back between hands and stand up.
(Three sets of twelve for this exercise starting out.)

If you do these three exercises weekly you will see results in your legs
in a short amount of time.

The Three Ab Exercises To get Fastest Results

The Three Ab Exercises To get Fastest Results

Bicycle Exercise

1. Lie face up on your mat and place your hands behind your head, lightly supporting it with your fingers.
2. Bring the knees in to the chest and lift the shoulder blades off the floor without pulling on the neck.
3. Rotate to the left, bringing the right elbow towards the left knee as you straighten the other leg.
4. Switch sides, bringing the left elbow towards the right knee.
5. Continue alternating sides in a 'pedaling' motion for 1-3 sets of 12-16 reps. But the count should be 1,2,3; 1, 1,2,3;2-so on till you reach twelve.

Vertical Leg Crunch

 1. Lie on the floor and extend the legs up at an angle with legs straight. (You should be forming a V shape with your body.)
2. Hold a weight against your chest. (I use a thirty pound kettle bell most days. The weight is key! The weight will give you the results you want.)
3. Contract the abs to lift the shoulder blades off the floor, as though reaching your chest towards your feet. (Basically you’re doing a crunch with your legs extended off of the floor and a weight in your hands held against your chest.)
4. Keep the legs in a fixed position above the ground and imagine bringing your belly button towards your spine at the top of the movement.
5. Lower and repeat for a set of fifty. You may one to break this up if you cannot perform fifty at once. Maybe split the exercise between 30 reps and then 20, or sets of ten till you reach fifty. Don’t rest longer than thirty seconds between these sets.

Bench Leg Raises (Gym may be needed for this)

1. Extend the bench to as high as it will go. Lower the bench slightly if you need to starting out, (must be at an angle though), but aim for being able to complete the exercise with the bench at the highest level. (You should be able to stand right up from the bench when you are done.)
2. Grab the top of the bench with both hands (where one would usually lock their feet into place.)
3. Now simply raise your legs as far as they will go, (you should even feel your ass rise from the bench when you do this,) and then lower your legs back down but don’t rest at the bottom. (Keep your legs straight when doing this exercise.) Do three sets of twelve when it comes to the leg raises.

Weight To Toes (In place of Bench Leg Raises)

1. Lay flat on your back
2. Lift legs straight up
3. Hold the weight above your head with both hands and your arms straight.
4. Reach for your toes with the weight. (Bringing your shoulders off of the ground as you reach.)
Do three sets of twelve.

Focus on your form with each of the exercises. You will see results. The plank is a great added bonus before or after the workout mentioned above.

Plank on Elbows and Toes

1. Lie face down on mat resting on the forearms, palms flat on the floor.
2. Push off the floor, raising up onto toes and resting on the elbows.
3. Keep your back flat, in a straight line from head to heels.
4. Tilt your pelvis and contract your abdominals to prevent your rear end from sticking up in the air or sagging in the middle.

5. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds, lower and repeat for 3-5 reps. (If you can hold the plank for 60 seconds then you are above average according to Mens health magazine, so if you are a woman and able to hold this for 60 seconds you should truly be motivated.)

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Women on the Paleo Diet & health tips for all body types.